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Mission and Core Values of Hancock Assembly of God
Our mission is to reach out and save the lost, using creativity, Holy Spirit empowerment and by developing disciples who will also reach out to our communities and beyond!
Core Values
To accomplish our mission, Hancock Assembly of God strives to remain relevant in an ever-changing culture Meanwhile staying Grounded in biblical truth and developing a healthy knowledge of the Word of God. Using Technology, wide-ranging ministries, and community development to reach all ages, Our Core values of how we accomplish our mission are as follows:
Scripture - God Ordained: The word of God is unchanging and our guide to a healthy Christian lifestyle and relationship with Christ.
Intimacy with God: Prayer parallels the growth and faith of every believer.
Holy Spirit Empowered: We believe in the power and person of the Holy Spirit who works through believers to maximize our impact on our community and beyond for the kingdom.
Discipleship Minded: We believe in creating relationships to grow with one another in our walks with Christ to mature spiritually together.
Missional Community: We believe in deploying into our community and investing into the Missionary endeavors Across the Globe.
Creativity - Ingenuity: We believe the Gospel is multigenerational and we must be committed to ever-evolving strategies to reach the lost with the heart of Christ.
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